31 May 2007


Many of you have been asking and wondering about baby Mabery and Mom. First I want to thank you for your concerns and prayers. Our little girl is doing very well and moving all the time. I had injections last week to speed up the development of her lungs in case she comes early. The doctor says that my amniotic fluid is back up and she thinks that I am out of the woods for now. However, I am still on bed rest at least until my next appointment on June 14th and having occasional pains. Again, thank you for praying for our family. God bless yours as well!


Anonymous said...

Good luck until she arrives!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, of course!

Do you have a name picked out yet?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary & Matt! Just wanted to wish you a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Hope you guys are doing well. We miss you!

Rachel & Cameron

Anonymous said...

I am a missionary student and came across your blog. Could you please email me at hansmast at hansmast dot com? I couldn't find an email address on your blog. Blessings! -Hans