01 September 2006

Surrounded by Women

We are having "saudades" from family (which means we are missing them greatly). My Mom, MommaLou, Aunt Angie, and Aunt Darlene arrived in Salvador a few weeks ago. MommaLou and Aunt Angie got to stay a week and Mom and Aunt Darlene stayed two! We had a wonderful time together. Matt and Mary both did a great deal of translating while the women shopped, shopped, and shopped! They also got to see us in action while they were here. Aunt Angie was and encouragement to the team as she shared at staff meeting what God has been doing in their Delaware Campus Ministry lately. Mom helped out on youth night by being part of a mini drama skit for the lesson. MommaLou went with Mary to one of her evangelistic studies. And Aunt Darlene led everyone to Hiper (owned by Wal-Mart) to buy clothes and shoes for benevolence at our church. All in all it was a wonderful time of family and ministry and we'll be missing them until November when we come home.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love visitors. My mom came for the month of May to my house and it was lovely.

Too bad they had to go home.