12 December 2008

Furlough (Missouri)

So after three long flights we made it! One of which a baby beside us cried for hours - thank goodness it wasn't ours. Aubry didn't have a meltdown and Pregnant Mommy didn't get really sick until after we reached our final destination. It was a good trip. Thanks to all who prayed for us. Our first two weeks were spent in Missouri with family, friends, and supporters. We had a big Thanksgiving in the church fellowship hall with Matt's family. It was good to do it there since his family is growing and Sienna needed the handicap facilities. (For those of you who don't know Matt's niece was in a terrible car accident recently and lost her foot and part of her leg). We played lots of games, watched Aubry show off, and ate a lot of food. The next day we even got to take Sienna bowling along with Matt's other neice, Lindsey and her husband, Andy. Sienna's first time bowling in a wheel chair and she scored 20 points higher each new game! Also, while in Missouri, Matt preached Sunday morning at Park Hills, we taught the youth class twice, we got to visit Mrs. Dotti Perryman (one of our loyal supporters) in the nursing home, and we visited with other supporters and sent reports out. We celebrated Matt's birthday and our Christmas early with his family. It was all in all a good trip that went by too fast but at least Aubry got to see her first snow! She was afraid to walk on it and made funny faces when she did and the ground went crunch!


Candie Bowen said...

Hey! Congrats on your pregnancy- how exciting! Hope to see you all in B-ham soon!

Bluecanary said...

The one time in the last couple of years when I don't check blogs weekly I find out you are on furlough and near. Are you still in the US? I so would like to visit with you.

Congrats on a new family member!