21 August 2009

Aubry's Puppy Party

Aubry had a great puppy party! We had 41 people at our house and about 16 of that number were kids. We played a bowling game and pin the tail on the puppy. With Paisley around and Mommy and Daddy still getting very little sleep, we couldn't have pulled it off without the help from the team and Gloria. Heather helped with games, the Sass's made and brought a beautiful cake, the Quirey's came early to help decorate, and the Porters kept Aubry that afternoon before her party. And Gloria and her friend cooked all day while Mommy and Daddy ran party errands, cleaned the aquarium, and blew up balloons. Aubry made her Wow! face all night. She got lots of neat presents - we luuuuve presents - dolls and clothes and books. She's on her way to another birthday party tonight for Jaci's granddaughter, Taisa. Mommy and Paisley are staying home. I told someone on the phone that I was exausted and Aubry said she was "exzawted too!" Here's a look at why...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aubry, you had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for posting the neat pictures. We loved them. What a girl!!