11 June 2010

Marcy, Candace and Trish

Our new interns have arrived. Marcy from Harding and Candace from ACU are here on the World Wide Witness program and arrived two weeks ago. Trish from Riverchase Church of Christ just arrived on Wednesday. All three proved to be promising workers and have in fact already been contributing greatly to the work here. Even Trish who just got there has done more and learned more in three days than you could possibley imagine. They are going to be helping start a new English Bible study, do LST studies with non-Christian friends, prepare for VBS and campaign group, help with Toddler class at Sunday school, painting projects, youth lock-in, Marriage Matters seminiar, benevolence lunches and much much more. We're excited about there summer and are very impressed by these three already. Picture to come...

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