20 July 2005

I Poisoned My Husband! (A MayVa Story)

These warnings rouqhly translate: This product contains yellow coloring TETRAZINA, that can cause reactions in people allergic to Acetylsalicilic Acid (Aspirin)

So, our allergies and sinuses have been acting up again because of all the rain which easily brings way for mold in our apartment (there is no central air here and windows are always kept open plus the humidity level here anyway is even higher than Alabama). When Matt was feeling under the weather a week and a half ago, I bought him some new medicine that the pharmacist recommended. One important piece of information in this story is that Matt is highly allergic to aspirin. The label was all in Portuguese but I knew the word for aspirin and didn’t see the name on the bottle so I determined that it was okay for him and brought it home.

So, yes, after just one year of marriage, I poisoned my husband. But like Adam and Eve… Adam was there too. Eve just offered it, Adam didn’t have to take it. Right? The next morning (Friday) after he had started taking it, he woke up with eyes the size of golf balls and the color of a fire engine. By Saturday his eyes were the same and he had splotches of red on his neck and in between his fingers. Sunday was the same story, so we spent most of Monday at the doctor’s office. The allergist (after over 3 hours of waiting to see her) pointed to a “T” word on the label and said that people who are allergic to aspirin are typically allergic to this… which was explained on the label (Ooops! I didn’t know the scientific name for aspirin). She then made a list of things never to give him and a prescription for prednisone. Today we go back to the doctor to make sure the prednisone took care of it all. He’s feeling and looking much better now! We’re having Mom bring medicine that we’re more familiar with, when she comes next month. Have a swell day everyone!!!


Heather A said...

Hey, guys!! Just wanted you to know that I made it to Brasilia okay. Enjoyed catching up with my friend here last night, but now that I have left (as much as I DID NOT want to), I just want to be home!!! I will let you guys know when I land safely back on American soil. Miss you guys sooooooooo much!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I understand all of this. You are married a year. You go by the name Mary Virginia and after just 12 short months you poison your husband. Sounds like a Catholic divorce to me.

Guess .

David Duer said...

Mayva, Mayva....what a story. Your Hubby better learn to read the labels for himself from now on. I am glad you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

As one who is also allergic to aspirin, I can feel Matt's pain (or swelling in this case). But I also have accidentally ingested stuff accidentally. NEVER EVER TAKE EXCEDRIN PM - Matt, even if your wife says it is okay. I am gonna try to get this into the bulletin this week.

Anonymous said...

Mary Virginia,
Please try not to poison him again. I know sometimes it seems as though that will help the situation, but try to talk it out!!! ;) Just kidding. Im glad I finally got to read on your blog. I miss you two and hope you are well.

Anonymous said...

Mary Virginia
I liked your play on words! Have a swell day.

Anonymous said...

Watch yourself, I don't know if they have CSI's in Brazil! LOL!!
Great to hear all turned out well!
Love you guys, keep up the good work.