Check out this article from a former ACU student preparing for studies in China. Currently he and his wife are traveling to raise support for their upcoming adventure. Right now they are in Baton Rouge helping out at a refugee shelter at a Church of Christ.
It is so hard to stay connected to the US right now. We don't have satellite television in our apartment, so we only see the world news when we are at some of our teammates' apartments. I'm at a loss for what to say or think, besides being very worried about the people I know who may have lost everything.
hey guys! It's almost unbelievable what is going on... things like this 'aren't supposed to happen' in America - our technology and vast amounts of wealth are supposed to be ready and able to handle anything. Well, that bubble is being popped.
During prayer time at the shelter tonight, one guy asked us to pray for his son, whom he has not yet been able to contact. I asked for a show of hands of who has family memebrs unaccounted for, and virtually every hand went up. One lady here is being reunited with her children tomorrow in Dallas - she was able to hitch a ride with a Good News Productions staff member. Anyway, I better get back down stairs!
Yeah, it is really crazy here. I am astounded every time I see pictures or hear stories about what is going on. I've thought about your family in all this. Are they all okay?
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