30 September 2005

Our Ship Came In But Still No Shipment

After many many months of waiting, our ship came in!!! Our shipment arrived in port 2 weeks ago today. During which time we have scrambled to get documents to our representative at customs. We would have had our documents to her sooner had we known that the company we contracted to bring our things would not hold up their end of the contract and hire their own representative. While we were trying to get one important document from the States and another important document from Sao Paolo, the postal service went on strike here (only for the week that we needed them). We did get those documents here another way with some stress about the situation because the only address that the others had was our P.O. Box. However, the courier service really came through (DHL) but it was hard to hand deliver our paperwork since the students are protesting the bus system right now (because they are raising bus prices).

The good thing was, we knew we could trust our representative, Ana, to get our stuff released as soon as possible once she had what she needed. Ana had worked with our other teammates on getting their belongings to them and did a great job. I talked to Ana earlier this week and she said that the Receita Federal should release our things by Thursday Sept. 29 (yesterday) and that they would finally be delivered to us by the next day, (today). So I waited at home all morning excited that after 7 months of waiting, our things would at last be in our new home. Well, after just hearing from someone in Ana’s office, I’m beginning to loose hope that that day will ever come. The latest news is that the Receita Federal did not release our shipment yet because THEY went on strike yesterday. We still have the consolation that God is in control and if we ever get our things, it has to be by His help!


Anonymous said...

Mary and Matt
We feel your pain, disappointment, and frustration and wish we could be there to give you a BIG hug. You've been great through all of this and the comforting thought is that God is in control. We have joy and assurance in that. You two are in our prayers; we are waiting to hear. Will talk to you later. Love, Mom and Dad

Heather A said...

I'm so sorry, guys! You have had a rough time trying to get your stuff in. I am praying that the Receita Federal will unstrike very soon and return your stuff to you. It's almost here! Blessings on you guys! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie! This is Ann (Carpenter) Ledet. Joel and jessica Ruch are living with us for a little while before they go to China and we were just sitting here talking about how wonderful you are! I hope you are doing well. E-mail me sometime at annledet@gmail.com.

In His Care, Ann

Heather A said...

I just read on Russ and Val's blog that your shipment finally came in!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!!! I'm so excited for you guys!! My prayers and blessings are with you! Love you lots!